Fine tuning of the universe parameters pdf

The standard finetuning dialectic according to the notorious finetuning argument, the evidence of cosmological finetuning provides confirmation for the proposition that there is a divine designer. The claim is that in the space of possible physical laws, parameters and initial conditions, the set that permits the evolution of intelligent life is very small. How to rigorously define finetuning by robin collins, note. Finetuning refers to the supposed fact that there is a set of cosmological parameters or fundamental physical constants that are such that had they been very slightly different, the uni.

The universe finetuned for life stanford university. The finetuning argument and the simulation hypothesis. The finetuning of the universe for intelligent life. The physical parameters are but the tip of the iceberg. The earths size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the earths surface. Science provides us with a sense of wonder about this vast universe. The electromagnetic coupling constant binds electrons to protons in atoms.

This article was published in skeptic magazine issue 19. It is apparent that the parameter f is critical in determining the behavior of solutions. In this essay, as a followup to his book, the fallacy of finetuning. Finetuning and multiple universes roger white massachusetts institute of technology i. He therefore called the resonance an example of finetuning. The many problems of the finetuning argument by francois tremblay. Chapter 2 finetuning in cosmology anthropic principle. The universe finetuned for life taeil albert bai stanford university, stanford, ca 94305 einstein once said,what really interests me is whether god had any choice in the creation of the world. Finetuning, complexity, and life in the multiverse arxiv. To try to test how finetuned hoyles resonance is, meissners team ran a series of simulations with different average quark. Well, the fundamental scientific laws and parameters of the universe have to be within a certain miniscule range, for a lifesustaining universe to develop. If the values of any of certain free parameters in contemporary physical theories had differed only slightly from those observed, the evolution of the.

Scientists call this extraordinary balancing of the parameters of physics and the initial conditions of the universe the finetuning of the cosmos. The finetuned universe is the proposition that the conditions that allow life in the. The best examples of finetuning are the epochs the periods of time during which certain events in the universe happened. The finetuning of the universe, solar system and earth. The claim is that in the space of possible physical laws, parameters and initial conditions, the set that. This chapter should give the basic idea of my approach to defining the comparison range, and my response to the mcgrewvestrup objection. Perhaps the most startling instance of finetuning is the cosmological constant paradox. Richards january 14, 2015 intelligent design download pdf finetuning refers to various features of the universe that are necessary conditions for the existence of complex life. The universe as we know it, had three major epochs.

The characterization of the universe as finely tuned suggests that the occurrence of life in the universe is very sensitive to the values of certain fundamental physical constants and that the observed values are, for some reason, improbable. Strong evidence for a designer comes from the finetuning of the universal constants and the solar system, e. This is a draft of a chapter to appear in the book on the finetuning argument, tentatively entitled the welltempered universe. We say a theory is natural when you can write down this theory with parameters that are all basically of the same order. This derives from the fact that when one calculates, based. For example, according to objection 1, if the multiverse hypothesis is true, then finetuning is not strong evidence for the existence of a supernatural designer, since finetuning can be explained without postulating a. For me, the key problem with finetuning arguments isnt the science, but rather the probability judgments involved. What do finetuning and the multiverse say about god. The netuning of the universe for intelligent life has received a great deal of attention in recent years, both in the philosophical and scienti c literature. Let us henceforth use finetuning as shorthand for the fact that our universe is fit for life when modern physics shows it so. In theoretical physics, finetuning is the process in which parameters of a model must be adjusted very precisely in order to fit with certain observations theories requiring finetuning are regarded as problematic in the absence of a known mechanism to explain why the parameters happen to have precisely the observed values that they return. Compared to this question, all other questions seem trivial. Finetuning, as it applies to the universe, is the idea that the conditions that allow life to exist in the universe can occur only when certain universal constants lie within a very narrow range of values.

As with the cosmological constant, the ratios of the other constants must be finetuned relative to each other. By this finetuning, i mean that the laws, fundamental parameters, and initial conditions of the universe must be just right for the universe to be as discoverable as ours. In this paper the evidence of finetuning is explained and the finetuning design argument for god is presented. Past and present reflections by sir fred hoyle defining the universe to be everything there is, manifestly we cannot be expected to understand it exactly, since to do so we would need both a complete command of the laws of physics and the fantastic calculating power to work through the. Stenger brings the arguments uptodate with a discussion of the eternal multiverse hypothesis. After the big bang, all of the galaxies and stars that make up the universe today were form from left over nucleons from this initial singularity. Manson the university of mississippi abstract the finetuning argument fta is a variant of the design argument for the existence of god. Weinberg 2008, but even if this theory is correct, it merely shifts the finetuning from one place to another, since the parameters in any theory of inflation have to be finetuned at least as much as. After all, perhaps the earliest proponent of finetuning was the biochemist lawrence henderson. Perhaps the universe is being held together by a small number of physical laws, or maybe even one. Pdf the inevitability of fine tuning in a complex universe. To do so we must also specify a list of values for a large number of free parameters, including quantities such as the mass density of the universe, the expansion rate of.

If any of several constants were only slightly different, the universe would be unlikely to be conducive to the establishment of life. Its sort of two sides of the same coin, says theorist stefania gori, an assistant professor of physics at the university of california, santa cruz. Or, one could think of the initial conditions of the universe and the fundamental parameters of physics as a dart board that fills the whole galaxy, and the. The requirement that variations in the fine structure constant are small over the lifetime of the universe tells us that f m p. The finetuning argument, to be abbreviated by fta in what follows, claims that the present universe including the laws that govern it and the initial conditions from which it has evolved permits life only because these laws and conditions take a very special form, small changes in which would make. The degree of finetuning in our universe and others. Therefore the embryonic universe that came into existence with the big bang had to be either exactly as it was or within a certain tiny range, for.

In our list of the finetuned features of the universe, real science radio host bob enyart quotes leading scientists and their astounding admission of the uncanny and seemingly neverending list of the justperfect finely tuned parameters of the physical features of the earth, the solar system, and the entire cosmos. Such features include the initial conditions and brute facts of the universe as a whole, the. The fine tuning of the universe provides prima facie evidence of deistic design. This question, which can be stated simply, is fraught with complications. Pdf a new finetuning argument for the multiverse researchgate. When science and philosophy collide in a finetuned universe. Finetuning refers to the surprising precision of natures physical constants and the early conditions of the universe. A list of finetuning parameters discovery institute. Various reactions to the universes finetuning for life have been proposed. Welding parameters this universe objection 69 to note that our universe follows general relativity and quantum mechanics is not to provide a full description of it.

The finetuning of the universe for intelligent life has received a great deal of attention in recent years, both in the philosophical and scientific literature. This question causes controversy, among scientists and among philosophers. The term finetuned or related statements did not originate with theists nor apologists. It seems to me that the analogies we usually hear, like dart boards or firing squads or selecting a grain of sand, to follow hainline, fail to do justice to the issues at play here. It has been extensively discussed by philosophers, theologians, and scientists, especially since the early 1970s, with hundreds of. How can so many numbers of naturethe constants and relationships of physicsbe so spoton perfect for humans to exist. A cyclic universe approach to fine tuning sciencedirect.

The constant ais connected with mass of a quanta of the. The universe is also fine tuned to the extent that there is just enough nucleons protons and neutrons to form the elements essential for life. To explain how a habitable planet like earth could even exist, these fundamental constants have to be set to just the right values like tuning a dial to find just the right radio station. If it were just slightly more positive, the universe would fly apart. Finetuning refers to various features of the universe that are necessary conditions for the existence of.

The finetuning argument klaas landsman april 5, 2015 abstract our laws of nature and our cosmos appear to be delicately netuned for life to emerge. Usually a similar potential is postulated from the beginning with speci. This chapter should give the basic idea of my approach to defining the comparison range, and my response to. The universe is located in one of the minima, where the potential v. If the initial explosion of the big bang had differed in strength by as little as one part in 1060, the universe would have either quickly collapsed back on. Richards, list of finetuning parameters finetuning refers to various features of the universe that are necessary conditions for the existence of complex life. What are some of the best examples of the finetuning of. Why the universe is not designed for us in which he showed that, based on our knowledge of this universe alone, divine finetuning claims are without merit, victor j.

The thesis is presented that parameter sensitivity arises as a natural consequence of the. Imaginatively, one could think of each instance of finetuning as a radio dial. There is actually a much greater body of evidence to support fine tuning to be found in fields of science far better established than cosmology. Everettian quantum mechanics opens up a new route to undercutting finetuning arguments, though it is not by itself sufficient to undercut them. To hoyle, these two parameters seemed to require a very precise setting of dials. The earth is perfectly sized to sustain complex life. It looks like that nature has in store a large number of.

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